5 Tips to Feel More Comfortable During Your Brand Photo Shoot

So you made the big first step and scheduled a brand photo shoot but now you’re starting to get a little nervous about being in front of the camera. Today we’re going to go through 5 tips to help you feel more comfortable during your photo shoot.

Talk to Your Photographer

Discuss any insecurities or concerns with your photographer. Look through images of yourself and identify the things you really like in photos you life and also what you don’t like about the photos that you don’t like. Then communicate that with your photographer that way you know that he or she is already thinking about those things and can plan accordingly.

Keep your Hair, Makeup and Clothing Simple

I recommend keeping your hair and makeup (and even clothing) close to your every day look. It’s best to avoid getting a haircut the day of or even the day before your photo shoot in the event that the new cut hasn’t had a chance to settle yet. And while I do appreciate the value of professional hair and makeup, I’ve had several clients feel very self-conscious when the professional makeup job is very, very different from how they look regularly. Just make sure your stylist understands your vision for what you want.


Wear a Power Outfit

Most people feel a lot of energy and confidence and power in wearing the right outfit. So why not use that outfit during your photo shoot! Think about what colors or styles fit the visual style of your business but then also just think about what outfits make you feel good. The confidence and comfort will translate to you looking relaxed in your photos. 


Bring Someone to your Photo Shoot to help you Relax 

Think about those people in your life who help you feel relaxed, who can make you laugh and who puts you at east and then invite one of those people to your photo shoot! This might be your spouse or your best friend or maybe even your business partner! I always do my best to put my clients at ease but I really can’t compete with someone who is close to you. So bring them along! 


Do Whatever Helps You Relax Normally!

What helps you relax normally? Is it listening to music? Having an adult beverage? Eating a full sleeve of oreos? Or is that one just me? Ha! But if any of those things will help you feel calm and more comfortable before your photo shoot, then I suggest indulging. 

I hope these tips are helpful for you as you prepare for your next brand photo shoot. If you’re ready to take the plunge, I’d love to work with you! Get in touch for a complimentary consultation so we can discuss the ways that custom photos that represent your brand can help you!


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